Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Test for a Blessing

I was reading online today that the Postal Service is going to request that they go to a five-day delivery service instead of six days.  I applaud this effort.  In the article I read, the powers that be believe this will help reduce costs because in 2020 there will be less snail mail and more email.  The Postmaster General stated that "we can't freeze wages.  We can't freeze fuel costs." *  Well, why not?  Every other company I know has either froze wages or cut them.  The government can't do that?  No wonder there is debt everywhere?  If our government can't follow suit like the businesses, then who can we look to to help us manage our assets?

A man at work asked me to make sure the bills he put in the outgoing mail gets mailed.  "I hate bills," he stated.

"So do I," I said back.  "How do you get out of them?"

Another person said, "Don't pay them."

"Yeah, but then you get all kinds of nasty mail and phone calls, " I replied.

Mike has always said that maybe we should start a group to learn how to manage our own finances.  Our board tells us that we are a giving church, and we proved that in February.  Our last treasurer, Robert Wright, Sr., was always astounded at how no matter what, there seemed to be enough money to pay the bills.  God always has been there with us.  God tells us to test him in this.

Malachi 3:10

10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

Bring the whole tithe in and I will pour out so much blessing, you will not have enough room for it.  Test me.  I want to see him do that for all of us.  I feel like I don't have enough room as it is, but to have the Lord keep blessing and blessing...how amazing will that be?

I challenge you to test God in this way.  Let me know what happens.  In a few months, we will see what kind of blessings have come about.

*USAToday.com article dated 3/2/10

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