Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Have you ever felt hopeless? I mean that even though you know what you are doing is for the best and what God wants, people are not going to be happy? Why do we feel guilty if we know that what we are doing is in God's plan? Because we do not want to see our family and friends unhappy. We want them to be always happy and love us, but that doesn't seem to be the way of humans.

We are very complex people. Some of us try to make everyone happy all the time, which is impossible. Some of us seem to want to make everyone upset and mad. That seems to be easy to, doesn't? Life isn't about how fair things are. If it was, we all would be on the same level in every aspect. But we are not. Some of us are lucky in love, some of us are lucky in money. Some of us are bad at money and some of us are bad at friendships. That is what we have each other for. To help each of us through the good and the bad times. To help us celebrate the love we have for God and each other as well as wallow in our self-pity and share our sorrows.

I know God wants us to rest on each other and depend on him. To do that you have to share your thoughts and your lives with each other. Fellowship is the best way to do that. Join in when things happen at church. Join a small Bible Study group. Become a part of choir or help with the youth. Be around others that are like-minded in Christ.

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

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