Wednesday, June 9, 2010



1.  Grab the new iFellowship button & place it in the post that you would like your iFellowship vistors to comment on.

2.  Add your blog name, facebook page, and/or twitter handle link(s) into the McLinky below.
3.  Visit the link listed before you in the link up and leave a comment there to let them know you're from iFellowship. After visiting that person, visit as many other sites as you would like. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO VISIT THE SITE LISTED BEFORE YOU!!!
4.  If someone comments on your site, comment back to keep the fellowship going.

That's it! Visit and fellowship with as many blogs, twitter pages, and facebook pages as you'd like!

"Let us not give up meeting together...
but let us encourage one another." 
Hebrews 10:25


  1. Hello there. Visiting through the iFellowship linky. Great blog :-)


  2. Greetings from Malaysia! Hopping in from iFellowship! I'm joining in for the 1st time, hope to see you over at my blog sometime! :D ( I'm a full-time mummy )

  3. Stopping by from iFellowship! Hope you had a great Wednesday! =)

  4. Just saying hi from ifellowship and thanks for stopping by my blog too!~
