Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ducks and Go-Betweens

This morning, as I was driving slowly down the road, I saw something I don't see often.  I saw a brown duck waddling across a four-lane street with seven small ducklings scurrying behind her.  I looked in my rear view mirror and saw that other cars were coming, but not too close, so I stopped and watched.  This momma and her babies quickly crossed the road and got to the curb.  She hopped up onto the sidewalk and I saw the babies struggling to do the same.  The curb was so high.  It was like a wall so high to them.  They tried, but the first time they didn't make it.  I then had to start moving, so I did not see the ducklings make it to safety.  I can only hope that they did.  I would have helped more, but thought that Momma Duck may have not been happy by my help. 

That's like our prayers.  Someone asks us to pray for them, or about a situation, and we may never ask or hear about that situation again.  That is fine.  It isn't our place to know what is going on.  God knows and has answered the prayer according to his will.  He has it under control and we just need to put our faith in him.  Just like I have faith that those ducklings are under his care, I have faith that all that I have prayed for, big and small, have happened according to God's will.

When the Children of Israel again and again went against God, someone intervened for them.  Psalm 106:23 tells us what happened.
          Therefore He said that He would destroy them,
         Had not Moses His chosen one stood in the breach before Him,
         To turn away His wrath from destroying them. 

 And in verse 30,

  Then Phinehas stood up and interposed,
         And so the plague was stayed. 

In verse 43,

     Many times He would deliver them;
         They, however, were rebellious in their counsel

Time and time someone intervened for them and still they would go back to their wicked ways.  Christ now does that for us.  He is our go-between.  His blood is our covering.  Praise God for that! 

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