Monday, October 12, 2009


Yesterday, our new minister, Michael Dawson, brought a message that really hit home in my heart. He talked about how family dynamics have changed over the years from the "Leave It To Beaver" family, then on to "The Brady Bunch" blended family, to sometimes the almost non-exist family we see today. What kinda of family do you have?

Television has really been shaped by our culture just as much as we have been shaped by television. In the 1950's, the core family of Dad, Mom and kids were shown. It was expected and the norm. In the 1960's, blended families, such as "The Brady Bunch" were popping up in our living room as well as our schools, neighborhoods and families. In the last thirty years, that has exploded into divorced families, single-parent families, non-married families, and same sex partners. The media is now shaping our surroundings more than we are shaping ourselves.

From our parents to our grandchildren, we need to take charge of our families. We need to let them know that God loves them and that we love them. We need to help them shape their lives so that when they leave us, the outside world won't have more of an impression on them than we did. Families today seem to see less and less of each other. We are trying new things in our family. We make sure we have several meals a week together, we all keep in touch and we talk. We talk about the shows we watch, the friends we have and the love we have for each other.

Michael stressed spending time together and that is important for all of us. I hope you and your family find time to spend together. Whether it be game night, watching a show, or just taking a ride. Talk to your spouse, your children, your parents. God loves you and them. Let them know that He does, and that you do too!

Galatians 6:10 "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

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